miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Superstronger and superbigger than the sun.


          Supergiants are sort of stars that can have a size and mass of 10 to 70 stars or suns. Their brightness can be 30,000 times stronger than the one of a average sun. Because of their very big sizes, they have a shorter lifespan than a star. Their lifespan can be from 10 to 50 million years, which is nothing compared to the lifespan of any star. You can only see these in the arms of spiral galaxys, and in irregular galaxies. Some of the known or found supergiants are: VV Cephei, V354 Cephei, KW Sagitarii, KY Cygni, and the Garnet Star.

      I wrote about this article, because this was something that I really didn't know about. It amazed me that there are planets, or stars that are thousands times bigger than the earth. For me the Supergiannts are amazing, because even if they do not last so long before they die, they extremely giant, and can create very, very, very big explosions.

    I can link this to my life and my world because there are always new things to learn, and that some of these are very impressive.  I can also make connections with my life, because learning is very cool, and although sometimes it´s a little boring or hard, or both at the same time, it is very good, because you know more things, and in my oppinion, it makes you a man.

     This was my last article in this school, and I put lots of efforts into it.

      Thanks to Science Daily and my teacher Mr. Wilkinson for encourage me to learn more every time.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Corals surviving?

Pictures of corals dying were something horrible, but now there is new hope that at least some corals may be more resilient than previously thought. Studies suggest that some corals can, and are adapting to warmer temperatures. 

 This article interested me because it is good that corals doesn't die, because I feel that those fish that live there need their houses.Also because it is amazing how life changes to survive, just like Charles Darwin stated at his theory of evolution.

I can draw connections to my life from this, because when I read it , and reflected , it gives me hope that some things that you think that can't be done, like your dreams, can always become true. I think that has areas of interaction in every way being used to view this article because it is about the environment, and to get the meaning, you read about the environment.

Thanks to Science Magazine Link


lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Getting kids into science

This article is about a man who teaches science to kids in a way they don't get bored. First he couldn't do many videos because he didn't have enough time, but now google plus helps him. He teaches by virtual classes, has a twitter account, and posts videos in youtube.

This is involved i my life because this man can help me get more involved in science.

This has areas of interaction with the world and me because this guy can help people

Although this article is not exactly science, I chose it because its interesting how this guy gets kids into science, so I put it because this will help him, and it will teach  my teacher  some ways to teach science without making the kids bored.

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

The earth's lost brother?

  The article is about a planet that was found 600 light years away from us. Scientists say that it is in the right spot for life, and that it could be our next home.

I was interesting to me because it is very difficult to find a planet with the right conditions for life.

I can connect this article to my life because a planet with the right conditions to survive is dificult. I can connect it to all my life too because when the generations after me have to abandon the planet, they will have somewhere to go.

In interaction with our life, with another planet to live, life could exist more

Thanks to national geographic

 Link to source  Nationahttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/12/111205-earthlike-planet-confirmed-life-nasa-kepler-habitable-space-science/?source=hp_dl1_news_earthlike20111207lGeographic

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Drinking the "undrinkable"

       After many droughts that have happened on the U.S territory, now, to survive the humans are making a plan to drink the water from the sewage. People may think this is has been done for many years, but it has been done to use the water for some things, such as using the recycled water from the toilets and faucets so the water can be used at the faucets and toilets again. But drinking the water in a large population is something that is difficult to think and do.

        Next year, hundreds of thousands of Americans should think that they will have to drink the water that they use as disposal. And because of this, people should think that every time that they flush the toilet, that water could be the same coming back to their body.

         As the specialists think, people will start thinking that the water tastes "different", and that it will give them some kind of disease, but all of those thoughts are wrong because with a price of 27 million dollars, the plant for treating,  recycling, and cleaning the water will have everything to make the water clean. The specialists also said that the process is 100% trustable, and that if people don't believe just a little of teaching will make them think that it really works.

      Thanks to Discover magazine.

     This is interesting for me because thinking that the water that I use as disposal will be the same water that I will use to drink and to take shower would be very difficult because that water before a process would be very dangerous, and after the process, the water could be very dangerous too, I wouldn't drink that water until I see that the process is 110% agreeable.

      I can make connections with diseases because to get the water  to be 100% clean, the process should be very large, and if the process doesn't work, there could be a huge disaster.

      I can make connections with me, because I wouldn't drink the water until I see that the process works.

      Original Article


viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Space voyages

Today, china sent to the space the Tiangong-1 spacecraft to the space from the Gobi desert. This craft is set to dock with later Chinese crafts, to allow the scientists and engineers to practice the skills that they will need to do at 2020 to make their space station. Some reports say that it will be some living quarters in it, but more recent news say that it is made for testing.

This is interesting for me, because I like the voyages and missions that go to the space.  And I would like to see another space station, because the science fiction is becoming real.

The connections that I can draw to my life, are that with space stations, or investigation of the space, I can now more about what is going on outside our world; For example: are we alone in our solar system?. Another connection I can make is that me as an individual, or my country as a nation, or the human community can always advance to look for better thinks, nothing is impossible, and there are no limits for improoving.

Thanks to discover magazine. 

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

The moon is leaving

The original article was posted on march 1, 1999 by  Terry Hartline

    This article is about the farewell of a moon that has accompanied  our planet ( the Earth) for a very long, long, long time; and that will do so for a lot of time from now to the future. The moon is getting away 3.8 cm per year, and making our days longer by 0.0008 seconds a century. This is happening because "The gravitational force of the Moon "pulls" on Earth's oceans and crust, creating the twice-daily tides. Likewise, Earth's gravity pulls on the Moon, distorting our companion so that it is slightly egg-shaped. These tidal effects produce bulges on the Moon's surface, and Earth pulls on these bulges a little more than on the surrounding regions because of the concentration of mass there. Earth's constant pull on the Moon's tidal bulge caused its rotation to slow down from its much faster initial spin rate to its current rate of 27.3 days".

It was amazing to me because the moon is a planet that I always watch every night; I imagine that suddenly one night I don't see the moon any longer see the moon. I also imagine the beach without waves, or never watching a eclipse.

I can make connections, for example; The waves are important to our world. Solar eclipses are beautiful, and without moon there cannot be any eclipse. I can happily say that I live in a very lucky time.