miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Superstronger and superbigger than the sun.


          Supergiants are sort of stars that can have a size and mass of 10 to 70 stars or suns. Their brightness can be 30,000 times stronger than the one of a average sun. Because of their very big sizes, they have a shorter lifespan than a star. Their lifespan can be from 10 to 50 million years, which is nothing compared to the lifespan of any star. You can only see these in the arms of spiral galaxys, and in irregular galaxies. Some of the known or found supergiants are: VV Cephei, V354 Cephei, KW Sagitarii, KY Cygni, and the Garnet Star.

      I wrote about this article, because this was something that I really didn't know about. It amazed me that there are planets, or stars that are thousands times bigger than the earth. For me the Supergiannts are amazing, because even if they do not last so long before they die, they extremely giant, and can create very, very, very big explosions.

    I can link this to my life and my world because there are always new things to learn, and that some of these are very impressive.  I can also make connections with my life, because learning is very cool, and although sometimes it´s a little boring or hard, or both at the same time, it is very good, because you know more things, and in my oppinion, it makes you a man.

     This was my last article in this school, and I put lots of efforts into it.

      Thanks to Science Daily and my teacher Mr. Wilkinson for encourage me to learn more every time.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Corals surviving?

Pictures of corals dying were something horrible, but now there is new hope that at least some corals may be more resilient than previously thought. Studies suggest that some corals can, and are adapting to warmer temperatures. 

 This article interested me because it is good that corals doesn't die, because I feel that those fish that live there need their houses.Also because it is amazing how life changes to survive, just like Charles Darwin stated at his theory of evolution.

I can draw connections to my life from this, because when I read it , and reflected , it gives me hope that some things that you think that can't be done, like your dreams, can always become true. I think that has areas of interaction in every way being used to view this article because it is about the environment, and to get the meaning, you read about the environment.

Thanks to Science Magazine Link


lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Getting kids into science

This article is about a man who teaches science to kids in a way they don't get bored. First he couldn't do many videos because he didn't have enough time, but now google plus helps him. He teaches by virtual classes, has a twitter account, and posts videos in youtube.

This is involved i my life because this man can help me get more involved in science.

This has areas of interaction with the world and me because this guy can help people

Although this article is not exactly science, I chose it because its interesting how this guy gets kids into science, so I put it because this will help him, and it will teach  my teacher  some ways to teach science without making the kids bored.